D Wang Shi Zhao


D Wang is a queer Chinese-Michigander illustrator and designer in Brooklyn. They’re also helping to run DICE, the Ditmas Indie Comics Extravaganza!

Their non-profit work includes the Center for Urban Pedagogy, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and Understood (coming soon).

Their branding work includes Ritesh Gupta, the founder of Useful School and Forest Fire, a women-led production company.

Their passion projects include comics and zines and Insatiable, an ongoing project about Reddit hookups. 

Resume | LinkedIn | dwangzhao@gmail.com

“Sad Puppy’s Guide to Being Sad”

2019, risograph comic zine

A comic zine/self-help workbook for helping you work through being sad. 

The “free” fold-out poster on the back page of the zine
Two generations of Sad Puppy zines-- the one on the left is from the original print run in 2017 and the one on the right is the newest version from 2024.