D Wang Shi Zhao


D Wang is a queer Chinese-Michigander illustrator and designer in Brooklyn. They’re also helping to run DICE, the Ditmas Indie Comics Extravaganza!

Their non-profit work includes the Center for Urban Pedagogy, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and Understood (coming soon).

Their branding work includes Ritesh Gupta, the founder of Useful School and Forest Fire, a women-led production company.

Their passion projects include comics and zines and Insatiable, an ongoing project about Reddit hookups. 

Resume | LinkedIn | dwangzhao@gmail.com


2018/2024, 60 page comic

An autobiographical comic about my experience watching a film about a white girl who engages in self-harm. 

I start to identify less with her and more with one of the few non-white background characters, an older Chinese woman who works as a janitor.