D Wang Shi Zhao


D Wang is a queer Chinese-Michigander illustrator and designer in Brooklyn. They’re also helping to run DICE, the Ditmas Indie Comics Extravaganza!

Their non-profit work includes the Center for Urban Pedagogy, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and Understood (coming soon).

Their branding work includes Ritesh Gupta, the founder of Useful School and Forest Fire, a women-led production company.

Their passion projects include comics and zines and Insatiable, an ongoing project about Reddit hookups. 

Resume | LinkedIn | dwangzhao@gmail.com

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Creating social media-first animated and static illustrations with unique type treatments for a NYC-based health organization that advocates for research and education around suicide.

Illustration, Social Media strategy 


The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is a prominent non-profit organization dedicated to addressing the critical issue of suicide in the United States. Established in 1987, AFSP has been at the forefront of suicide prevention, funding research, advocating for mental health policies, and providing support and education to individuals and families affected by suicide.

The challenge: 

When I joined in the fall, AFSP was in its busy season, particularly for the marketing department. The team was hiring for someone with design AND illustration chops, who could create compelling digital illustrations for social content. They had started to commission artists to create shareable graphics, but realized they needed someone in-house to have illustrations done with a quick turnaround, as well as someone with art direction skills to work with the freelance illustrators.

“How to Support Someone Who’s Coming Out” social graphic carousel 🏳️‍🌈

The opportunity: 

I realized the central question was how I could utilize illustration to emphasize the tangible and personal aspects of AFSP’s advocacy work. By leveraging my expertise with hand-drawn illustration over templated design assets, the organizations’ visual language started to feel less NGO and more human. 

Selected illustrations created for AFSP’s social channels, including local chapters

The impact: 

“I was most impressed by how quickly D understood the complexities of our cause and how best to convey in our materials. D also fit into my team seamlessly and added new creative thinking and ideas to our most important projects.”

Stephanie Rogers, Executive VP and CCO of AFSP